TX-20066 AFJROTC Disenrollment Process
TX-20066 AFJROTC Disenrollment Process Policy and Wear of the Uniform Policy
Disenrollment Procedures are as follows:
TX-20066 Air Force JROTC Disenrollment Policy:
- 1st Offense: Cadet receives verbal counseling, Cadet Disenrollment Warning Notice for Non-Compliance Notification sent to Parent, must be signed by cadet, by parent and returned to SASI or ASI.
- 2nd Offense: Cadet receives written Letter of Counseling, Letter of Counseling is sent to the Principal, Cadet Disenrollment Warning Notice for Non-Compliance Notification sent to Parent, must be signed by cadet, by parent and returned to SASI or ASI.
- 3rd Offense: Cadet is referred to the school Principal with a recommendation of 3 - 10 days In-School Suspension or disciplinary action depending on the level of offense. Cadet Disenrollment Warning Notice for Non-Compliance Notification sent to Parent, must be signed by cadet, by parent and returned to SASI or ASI.
- 4th Offense: Disenrollment for the TX-20066 Air Force Junior ROTC Program
TX-20066 Air Force JROTC Program Disenrollment Offenses:
A cadet may be dis-enrolled for any of the following reasons:
- Failure to maintain acceptable program standards of academic achievement, personal conduct and personal appearance – to include weekly uniform wear and proper grooming standards at all times. Males must be clean shaved daily and with hair grooming standards daily and females must adhere to hair color standards and fingernail polish standards daily.
- Inaptitude or indifference to AFJROTC training during the school year.
- Disciplinary reasons such as excessive lunch detention or In-School Suspension or any enrollment in a COCISD disciplinary program.
- Failure to maintain personal appearance and uniform standards after three attempts within the school year by an instructor.
- Disciplinary reasons based on inappropriate or unacceptable behavior and/or conduct (such as total disrespect for unit instructors, other faculty/staff members or Coldspring-Oakhurst HS administrators or cadet officers, cadet NCOs, or cadet Airmen).
- Failure to abide by the Coldspring-Oakhurst High School Student Code of Conduct, classroom rules and procedures, maintain self-control and frequently disrupting the class.
- Undesirable character traits such as bullying, hazing, cheating, lying, unwanted sexual advances, constant Display of Public Affection, use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products.
- Skin permanently marked with disqualifying tattoos (above the collarbone or gang-related)
- Found guilty of harassment, intimidation, sexual assault, hazing or bullying by any appropriate school administrative official or civilian court.
- Parental request – Parents can request to have their cadet removed from the AFJROTC program. ALL removal request requires written parental statement and parent conference.
The SASI is the final disenrollment authority for all AFJROTC cadets.